China bans Ramadan fasting in mainly Muslim region
Civil servants,studentsand teacherspreventedfrom fasting and restaurantsorderedto remain open in Xinjiang region.
18 Jun 2015 09:21 GMT | Islam, China, Uighur
Uighur rightsgroups say China's restrictionson Islam in Xinjiang have addedto violentethnictensionsin the region [AP]
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Jalil Sany Mohd
What is the responseof HumanRight?The Muslim ummah mustboycottall Chinese productsand finance.Whereis our solidarity?
Jim Lawrence
China is notIsrael.....
Azmi Zakaria
No, China is worse. Israel allows peopleto practice their religion.
Solidarity! Your kiddingaren't you? 73 sectsof Islam with only oneto join your avatar the rest condemned to hellfire doesnotpromote solidarity.
Abdul Ganiyu Ibrahim
They wish to putoutthe lightof Allah, butAllah will completeHis lighteven though,they don't like it.
Jim Lawrence
hahaha==YOur allahs, flashlightand usedup it's batteries
All made in China
Jim Lawrence
Good for China.. It is the correctdecision..... Banned religion altogether
The Muslim World should protestby having a year longRamadan with NO food for the whole year......... Protest like in Guantanimo, Worldwide Muslimnhunger strike.... that'll showem
Azmi Zakaria
'MehmetTalip, a 90-year-old Uighur CommunistParty member,had promisedto avoid fastingand vowed to "not entera mosque in orderto consciouslyresistreligiousand superstitiousideas".
This is what communistdo to Muslims.
KurdishPKK and YPG are communists.They are also enemiesof Islam.
This is probably somemade up storyby mainstreammedia. Recently, they'vebeen demonizingRussia and China whilethe west and his GCC buddiesare doing the gooddeeds in Yemen!
Jeff Jeffries
Respectto the Chinesegovernment.... Soon Russia will follow thenlater on Europe.
Islam has no place in China
You forgotto say SiegHeil China.
Mohammed Kabwashjj
You idiotswho doesn'tknow anythingin History find outwhichreligion startedto killing and burning an innocentpeoplebecauseof Bible writing? when Paul cameinto the religion of Christian and write his own Bible with lotsof False after killingmostof the christian,from thereorderedall the remainingchristianthat follow the rightCommandmentof Mosesto droptheir Bible or they be killed. So chinais repeating,let themknow thatthey are tryingto makea war against Allah with notknowingthat Allah has defeatedmostof the enemiesof his religion.
Jamie Yaar
hey I am notsurebutmaybe being religiousis a mainly personal internaljourney, by associationand attachmentto a label be it 'Sunni' 'Shia' 'Catholic'etcwhat is achieved? One religion is bornfrom the storiesof the precedingreligion, (if you don't believe thisthenyou are hopelesslylost,thisis historicalfact - examplethe storiesin the Koran are all almostbutnotquite the same as foundin the Old Testament,Abraham/Noah/ whichin turn can be traced backthrough Roman/Greek and Egypt etcetc). The 'war' you speakof is the problem.War is a human politic and spiritualityis nota politic, unless your religion deemsto demand it be so. What the Chineseare doing is politicisingIslam, whichin turn looks and reads like a political manifesto. I think you are part of the problem.
Hi Jamie, is it Bintang beer?
Instead of condemningChina, the islamophobescommendchina,as longas its against muslims,I think Islamophobeswould supportneo-nazis as longas its against muslims,oh wait they do, EDL (english defense league) a racist bigotedorganisation,fully supportedby islamophobes.
Azmi Zakaria
Schoolteachersare instructedto give Muslim studentsa sweet everyday and makesurethey putit in their mouth,to makesurethey don't fast thatday.
That type of countryshouldn'texist.
Khalid Dualeh
What hell is Wrong ChineseGovernment, Muslim World mustprotestthis.
The Muslim World shoudl celebrate by having a year longRamadan with NO food for the wholeyear......... Protest like in Guantanimo, Worldwide Muslimnhunger strike.... that'llshowem
Protest? Yeah the will go outand do someterroristicaction.
What is wrong with all u guys. First of all stop blaimingeachother becausein thiscase you are all wrong or are all ignorant. For the muslims,stopsayingthatwe are going to rule and whatnot. As a truemuslim you hAve to fight your internalstruggle. This also means thatyou call everyonethatthinks a little differentis a non believer.Every nonbeliever has a future and every believerhas a past. So stopcallingeveryonea kafir thatdoesnot agree in your POLITICAL STATEMENT. And for the non believersi have onethingto say. Do your homeworkand after thatyou can determinewhetherthe religion is based on terroror peace.Dont let the mediathink for you becausethiswat you will be the eternallosers. So get your own opinion by doing some research.Thenwe can talk seriousaboutthis subjectwith eachother as a muslim and an atheist/christian/jew
So All Muslim countriesmustcut ties with china
In China Ramadan is banned .... so the Muslim minorityrespondsby doing acts of terrorby maiming and killingthe infidels.
whilein the PhilippinesRamadan is declareda national holidayand was the first predominantlyChristian countryto do so..... so the Muslim minorityrespondsby doing acts of terrorby maiming and killingthe infidels as thanks.
Thansk for the laught, brilliant
Marl Senin
what kind of statementis that. You want to judgeall Muslimsbased on the actionsof a small group of bad apples?
Its calledvilifyingthe victims, so in thiscase muslimsare the victims of bad state policies,so insteadof condemningthe bad governmentpolicy, they vilify the victim.
Sir, what are you tryingto say?
Bismillah, This is result of Bakistanian friendshipwith china
Alhaji Idris
China you dont like Peacein your country.if you as a countryyou banned fastingyou are infringing on human rightd whichnegates peace.This is notdone anywhere in the world.
My co-worker's sister-in-law makes$80 hourlyon the internet. She has beenfired for 5 monthsbutlast monthher checkwas$16336 justworkingon the internetfor a few hours. more tipshere……..
Farhan Akram
Even after thishateagainst my religion you guyshave shownyet you guysfailed "Miserably" to stopIslam from growing, Even today Islam is the fastestgrowing religion. Please try changingyour strategyperhaps it may help you.
Islam is only growing because Muslimsbreed like crazy and other countriescurrentlystill let Muslims into their countries.
Dont get tooexcitedthough,its quality over quantity. Drones and moderntechnologyprove that numbersmatter less eachday.
He left outthe high mortalityrate. An idiosyncrasyof our speciesis to breed up when the rate is high. In societiesthathave a safer environmentit goesdown.
@ JMLD49 , Islam is only growing becauseMuslims breed like crazy ?
Or is it becauseWestern Nationshave promoted and legalisedsamesex marriages , soon Muslims will be fightingagainst g'ay infidel armies, now that'sa frighteningthought !
Jihadi'sare mainly fighting Muslim armies Meydiy1717. You can ask the Syrian, Pakistaniand Egyptianarmiesabout that. Jihadi'shide among civilianswhen facing Western armiesand sometimescarry out suicideattacksand use IEDs. No fighting,just terror.
Jamie Yaar
Out of interesthow easy is it to becomea Muslim, what doesa personactually perform reciteand for how long? Does a personreceive a certificate? How is thisPoliced and monitoredexactly? Very curious ... is therea data base?
I realized only onething the world scared from Muslims, they have fear and thisis fact Muslimswill take over the world, World blaming Muslimsfor fightingeachother for terrorism, But let me know onethiswhy you peoplespreadinghypocrisy? I know Muslims are notperfectbutIslam is completecodeof life and perfect.,SO let themalive if they are in your countryother wiseget ready for worst feature.... We MuslimsLove pieceand humanitybutyou extremist dont want us... caz you scared for feature.
Praise the Lord
World notscared from trueIslam and True faithful muslms.Only afraid of ignoranceand suicidebombing, blood sheddingand killingeach others.
We are more afraid of your useless English. Go to the Arab language section- maybe thensomeonewill understandyour nonsense.
Lisa Swenson
What is thisworld comingtoo... how dare China restrictMuslimsfrom practicingtheir religion. Don't they know thatONLY MUSLIMS are allowedto restrictreligionsof others!!!!! Allah says so... Oh, the daily hypocrisyof Islam neverstops...
Go away Lisa , you b'itching little wh'ore.
Praise the Lord
Good wordscomingfrom a trueMuslim. Lol
Ray Janjua
i think its a very unfair commentyou have written.I am a Muslim and extremismdoesnotrepresentus all. 2ndly no onehas a rightto restrict anyonefrom their beliefs. Its notthe hypocrisyof Islam. it is the hypocrisyof mankindthank you. please stopbeingnarrow minded, educateyourself.
Azmi Zakaria
The Chineseare now only facingpoisonousair and rivers. Soon they will taste another kind of poison thatwill break their countryto pieces.
Poison is the rightword.
Fortunatelythe Chinesealways have the rightanswer.
Fundamentalistsattackpeoplein the subwaywith knives- Chinese military crushesentire provinces where the idiotscomefrom, arrest and kill ten timesthe numberkilled by their lunacy.
Fundamentalistsstartpreaching nonsence- Chinesemilitary imprisionsand kills them
Fundamentalistsstartviolentprotests - Chinesepolicekillem
..... Get the point?
Push the Chinesetoofar, they will crush you with no hint of consequenceor how many get wiped off the planet.
Trust me, the Chinesemilitary would nothesitateto wipe every Muslim from the face of the earth
William Floyd
I am in fovourof china,islamistare willing to kill anyonethatdoesntñbelievewith the false kourant,whyin Saudi Arabia dont let Christians have churches?.their are rascisrt and kill each other. Good for china.
Farhan Akram
Nobodyaskedyou for your favor old man. You have lived your life now to rot in hell.
Praise the Lord
Islam tellsyou thishow to talk with old man. of courseyou are an ignorant muslim.
Ok Farhan, why don't you go to hell first. Wear your suicidevest. Hurry!
Praise the Lord
Farhan. you are a wilderbeastand ignorant muslim and don know teachingsof islam.
@ Praise , you're a filthy little kaffir.
Farhan Akram
You know Islam more than me? Lol. Stop embarrassingyourself dude. I know its internet butstill.
Praise the Lord
And what aboutyourself. 72 sectssay to eachother Kafir. is they any onewho is Muslim?
Farhan Akram
Tell me whichoneis right? Protestantsor Catholics?
Praise the Lord
Farhan. You needsome guidanceand true teachingof Islam. Justa rough boy ignorant of Islam and don have mannershow to address an old man may be more than of your own father or grand father. butyou wont acceptthisfact dueto absenceof teachingof trueIslam.
Farhan Akram
Why are you running away from my questions?Do you have answers??
Why are you so scared of showingyour identity?
Ray Janjua
Yes Farhan, we are taught to respectthe elderly. what he is sayingis not rightbutneitherare you. educateothers
ISLAM is fast growing religion in the WORLD, especiallyinEUROPE, becauseno way butISLAM
Praise the Lord
Thank God no suicide bombersin europe.
I always have a chuckleat thatrhetoric. But again I do the samewith any of the Abrahamics malevolentmanuscripts thathave inflicted mankind.A study of how populationgrowth works over timewill help with a completeunderstanding.
Praise the Lord
and what aboutKhilafat?
Farhan Akram
Khilafah needsto be restoredbutwe needto take outthe agents and collaboratorsof West before it.
That is true,butthe fastest growing belief systemis Agnosticism.Thus,by the timeIslam managesto gain any real significant numbersthey will find themselvesfacedwith an army of well educated, technologicallysuperior Agnostics.
Look at China to find out how Muslimswill fair undersucha scenario............... hehehehe
Murtaza Khalifa
Why aren't they mosquein Israel
Praise the Lord
Aqsa Mosqueand many others.
Nduta Kangethe
I am Christian and Jesusnever preachedcruelty. What the Chinese are doing is wrong and you sir are wrong for suggestingthatthisshould happen as retaliationfor what happensin Saudi Arabia. An eye for an eye makesthe wholeworld blind
Ray Janjua
Thereis a differencebetween Islamistsand Muslims, everyonehas a rightto practicewhat they believe. neitherare correctin actions.I am a Muslim and majorityof us believe in live and let live. simple:)
Ali MinhajKazi
butwhat you say about thisban by chinese
I can seethatyou old man have neverread the Quran cos if you had read may be you couldfeel its sweatnessand guidence.theQuran teachespeaceand humanityand worshipingonly oneGod like Torah and Injeel.I advise u learn the Quran before u call it false
Imtiyaz Baig
Insteaof askingSaudiArabia to let builtchurchesask the pope to let builtmosquein Vatican.
Harun Babu
The world is soon going to witnessonemore SovietRussia,
May Allah grand Uighur Muslimsvictory. Ameen.
Amen it will happen soon, Muslims will take over the world..
Chuckle.... Been said before and failed.
Praise the Lord
If they comeoutof 72 piecesof PeacefulIslam.
Thanks for the laugh, you have to stopgettingoff on Camelsand Goats before thathappens.
Praise the Lord
Whichmuslim. shia, suni, wahabi, 72 whichsect. would muslimssurivive from holocaustthey are imposinguponeach others. Yes it may be all muslimsare killedin blood sheddingand remain muslimswomenand girls marry and spreadIslam. It has happenedin Past in Changiz Khan era. Sons from Muslimswomen picked by Changez army cameoutas new breed of muslimseg Hazara of Afghnista,Iran and Pakistan.
Harun Babu
If Allah wills.
Ali MinhajKazi
Praise the Lord
China is a GREAT FRIEND of muslims. They musthave banned fastingfor Terrorist who are notislamist justin the guise of muslims. Muslimslive in all parts of China. Why China has notbanned themfrom practcing.This may be in Xingiangregion where terrorstsoften commitsuicidebombing. Tell me you muslims. Is suide bombingis allowedin Islam?
Farhan Akram
tell me eatingpork and gettingdrunk is allowedin your religion?
Praise the Lord
In all muslim countries Pork and Alcoholis consumedby muslims. Mcdonald,KFC, five star hotelsand what not.
Farhan Akram
I am talking aboutyour religion.
You needto remove the veil on your mindand eyes pork and alcoholis banned in every Muslim country.
Praise the Lord
Yah I know justlike blood sheddingand killingother muslimsis banned butall is going on justlike port and alcohol. what a dichotomyand duplicty.
Farhan Akram
My questionis still there dude, Is consumingpork and alcoholis what Jesus askedyou to do?
Praise the Lord
Farhan streetboy. Learn Islam and Quran. Eisah(AS). you small beardand balck clothsspeaksof what you are and why you dont have mannersof speakingand adressing. Of courseyou only have name of muslim but without and trueteaching of Islam.
Farhan , praisethe devil , is a transvestite,khusra he/she is notMuslim , don't waste your time.
Praise the Lord
@Mehdy. You language tellsyou notmuslim rather Munafiq.
Praise be Allah for making sucha deliciousanimal, BACON, PORK, HAM - a truly magicalanimal.... yum yum yum
Jannene David
I'm sorry Farhan, butI would have to disagree with the statementthat "pork and alcoholis banned in every Muslim country". I have lived in both Qatar and the UAE (Dubai and Ajman) and alcoholwas available, not widely, butit was available in hotelsand at distribution(if you had a permit). Pork was also available at distributionin Qatar, notsureaboutin the UAE. I don't agree with China's attemptto prevent Muslimsfrom fasting. I call it an attemptas they cannotforcea personto eat or drink. In Dubai, food is available for take outin restaurantsduring Ramadan.I believe this shows the acceptance and/or toleranceof a moderncountry.Thereis no reasonthatreligions cannotbe tolerant of each other. I believe the sooner humans acceptand maybe even appreciate differences,the soonerwe will find peaceand happiness.
Murtaza Khalifa
Islam is religion of peace.The word terroristhas nothingto do with Islam and its people. How do you even know terroristare Muslim . They can be Christians butblamethe Muslim. The reality of the world.
Praise the Lord
The terroristin Xingiang area are communist pagans in the guise of Islam. If they are muslims why they commitsuicide bombing. Why they dont preachIslam whichis numberoneJihad.
DrZubairAhmad Omar
How the Chinesegovernmentis surethatthis decisionis notprovokingMuslimsaroundthe world, it is a shamefuland unhumanact, where is human rights,where is religious freedom,with suchact China should be waiting for its results. .......
Lisa Swenson
always luv a Muslim who talksabout religiousfreedomwhen it's Islam on the short end... doesreligious freedomhappen in the Islamicworld for others? Can you say hypocrisy?
Praise the Lord
Muslimsenjoyingreligious freedomin Yemen, Syria, Libya and Iraq. Lol
Lisa Swenson
How aboutnon-Muslims?
Ali MinhajKazi
indianmuslim [ bombay ] are thinkingto boycottchineseproduct in ramzan . as we did to isreali americanproduct
during the gaza war last ramzan
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More to thisstory
ChineseUighurs defy Ramadan ban
China has banned civil servants, students and teachers in its mainly Muslim Xinjiang region from fasting during Ramadan and ordered restaurants to stay open.
Most Muslims are required to fast fromdawn to dusk during the holy month, which began on Thursday, but China's ruling Communist party is officially atheist and for years has restricted the practice in Xinjiang, home to the mostly Muslim Uighur minority.
"Food service workplaces will operate normal hours during Ramadan," said anotice posted last week on the website of the state Food and Drug Administration in Xinjiang's Jinghe county.
Officials in the region's Bole county were told: "During Ramadan do not engage in fasting, vigils or other religious activities," according to alocal government website report of ameeting this week.
Each year, the authorities' attempt to ban fasting among Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang receives widespread criticism fromrights groups.
Uighur rights groups say China's restrictions on Islam in Xinjiang have added to ethnic tensions in the region, where clashes have killed hundreds in recent years.
China says it faces a"terrorist threat" in Xinjiang, with officials blaming "religious extremism" for the growing violence.
"China's goal in prohibiting fasting is to forcibly move Uighurs away fromtheir Muslim culture during Ramadan," said Dilxat Rexit, aspokesman for the exiled World Uyghur Congress.
"Policies that prohibit religious fasting is a provocation and will only lead to instability and conflict."
As in previous years, school children were included in directives limiting Ramadan fasting and other religious observances.
The education bureau of Tarbaghatay city, known as Tacheng in Chinese, this month ordered schools to communicate to students that "during Ramadan, ethnic minority students do not fast, do not enter mosques ... and do not attend religious activities".


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